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IT / Telco consultant
Software architect and Linux sysadmin
HTL Engineer in Electronics
Steps and Skills:
- netnea founding member (1998).
- Apache module development for SSO environments.
- Network management with OpenService NerveCenter, CA eHealth, Cacti, Zenoss, Observium and LibreNMS.
- Network forensics with RRDtool, NetFlow, SNMP traps, syslog, ELK Stack and Splunk.
- SNMP tool integration with Python, PHP and Perl.
- Software architect, integrator and developer for distributed systems using SOA, REST API’s, Web services.
- Flask, Django and CakePHP frameworks.
- Charles Bueche speaks French, English and German.
Selected Projects:
- Implementation of a Django web application, including authentication middleware.
- Development of a Grails REST web-service to correlate and export data.
- Design and implementation of a service-provider, multi-tenant OSS/NMS using Zenoss, Gerty and ServiceNow.
- Development of Agent-Jones, a multi-platform web-service to abstract the network.
- Design and development of a multi-tenant CMDB.
- Zenoss Zenpacks for Fortinet, QoS and IP-SLA measurement with Zenoss.
- Integration of a multi-vendor SNMP management platform for 20 VPNs and 8’000+ devices.
- Design and implementation of an Apache module for a secure reverse-proxy.
Hobbies and Interests:
- Multihull sailing on A-Cat (president of SACA from 2011-2016 and president of IACA since 2016).
- Tube/Valve-audio.
- red wines (especially Bandol).
- pgp key (fingerprint = 1BC6 19E3 BD37 1493 9735 AD40 EDEB A5EF DDE4 B2DE)